Thursday, January 23, 2014

January Update

Well here I am…..23 days into our 365 days of going outside and it's been great! I must admit…somedays are tougher than others and sometimes we don't stay out as long as I would like. But the effort is there and we are doing awesome :) It's been easy for Zach as he is outside for two recesses a day but for Norah it's tough to find activities for her to do without her brother around. Normally we end up playing fetch with Jamie or just shovelling the walks. Hey…it's better than sitting inside with our eyes glued to the t.v!!!

Here are a few photos :)

 Snow Angels on the Deck
 Tire Swinging at the School Playground
 First Snowman of the Year
 Little Baby Snowman
A beautiful day for bubbles!

So besides doing our outdoor days we have all been crazy busy with life in general. We started off a few weeks ago with the event of Zach losing his first tooth! It's been wiggly for a while but the square lollipop from the arena snack bar did it in. We were driving home from skating in Taber and he crunched the lollipop the wrong way. He didn't complain much just said his tooth was super wiggly. We were on our way back to Lethbridge with a stop at the Skating Club to drop off Travis before the three of us headed to the school for the council meeting. I mentioned to Travis to check the tooth as I wouldn't have much time once we got to the school. So we pulled into the arena parking lot and Travis went around to Zach's side and put his finger on his tooth…it basically fell out! Travis held it in front of Zach's face for him to see but Zach didn't know what Travis was doing and he batted his hand away…tooth went flying! I screamed "Find it!!" Geeze it's the first tooth…if I lost that one I would be "mommy of the year" for sure. As we scrambled looking on the van floor and on the parking lot ground we finally found it down Zach's jacket. Phew! So here we were with a bleeding mouth and I only had a baby wipe. Not sure if you know this…but baby wipes don't really collect fluids. He was a mess…but still sooooo excited!!! I have to mention that during all this Norah was sleeping. She didn't realize he lost his tooth until we were getting ready for bed that night! LOL So we eventually got to the school (7pm) and I took the kids up to the Kindergarten room. The poor grade 6 girl that was babysitting the kids that night took one look at Zach and said "What Happened!" I explained and she took care of the rest. Thankfully she has 3 younger siblings :)
So here he is…toothless…in all his glory. 

 In the van…it was dark but this was moments after we finally found the tooth.

Although I am super excited for Zach (losing a tooth is a big thing in grade 1) I can't help but feel a bit emotional. He's growing up…and this is just another thing that brings it to my attention. 

BUT….Then I get a little piece of him that is still very much a little boy. Career dress up day. He wants to be a Train Conductor. Oh I love him :) 

So that is about it for now. I was hoping to do a Boylan Baby Girl update but I guess that will be in Februarys post. Just waiting for the call from Joey to head to M.Hat to be there for the birth of their second daughter. I am so honoured and blessed to have that opportunity once again. Looking forward to some newborn baby snuggles and some time with my friends. 

Until next time…

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