Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Back track....Easter!~

So I know I did a re-cap last week but I forgot to include Easter.

So here is a quick photo stream of what the kids were up to. That sneaky Easter Bunny hid chocolates all over the place!

It was a really fun day. They were totally into it and I enjoyed every moment. The neighbour even came over and hid some eggs in the front yard. Needless to say they wanted to keep checking the yard every ten minutes to see if there were more. Oh well...it was fun to see how happy they were. We are still rationing the little eggs...next year it will be limited. 

Next up....rocket ship!!!
Zach got a science book from his Scholastic book order and there was a rocket ship that he'd been dying to build. So...we did. 
It was pretty simple. Construction paper, film case, baking soda, vinegar...and stickers ;)
We've launched it about 3 dozen times now and they still think it's great! The best was when it fell over and launched into Travis...good times. 

I was going to upload a video...but I can't for the life of me figure it out....stay tuned...

I've got more to share but I'd better pace myself.
See ya!

Monday, April 22, 2013

Remember me???

Okay...ok......so sorry. I've been neglecting this blog...just a little. But now I'm back in full force :)

I was having a bit of difficulty getting all my photos in one place and uploading them on here...BUT...thanks to my lovely husband I am now the new owner of an iMac :) So now all my photos from all my devices can be accessed and uploaded onto here. WAY easier :) I must say....I'm not sure why we waited so long to get a Mac.... we are finally with the times. Just need to now upgrade out of the VHS player and tube tv... lets not forget our stack of cd's.......yikes...ok...maybe not totally with the times but we are on our way.

So what's been happening around here???? Well....after getting though my grandmas passing we had to  sit down and discuss our summer plans to visit family out in Toronto. The main reason (actually 99% of the reason) for going was to see my Grandma. We knew she couldn't travel to see us so it was on our account to see her. Funny thing though I never really felt that far from her. We talked often on the phone and the occasional Skype session where she just looked at the computer totally amazed at what was happening. I can't even imagine what my "Skype" is going to be when I am 90! LOL

But with that reason no longer being a reason we have decided as a family to put that money into our downpayment account. Owning a home again and having that sense of stability is something we are looking forward to. When we moved here we were not sure how things were going to pan out. Never did we imagine that this would be 'the' answer and where we would set our roots down. I can 100% say we are not leaving Lethbridge...FINALLY!!! It's funny how the people who were born here just don't 'get it' when I tell them we picked here to live out of all of Canada. But I guess if you've never left the nest you don't know what is or isn't out there. And although we have made a bunch of friends from our community, it is now time to recruit all of you to come join us. One by one I will brainwash you to visiting and then I won't let you leave...ever :) I've got a few of you on my hit list...so beware ;)

So I guess I'll just do a quick photo recap of what has been happening. I've been busy...crazy ridiculous busy with work and Travis...who's he? But we are almost through it all (on his end) so there is a light at the end of the tunnel :)

Norah's new bathing suit and flippers from Palm Springs- April 2nd


Grandpa and Grandma stopped in for the night on their way home from Palm Springs. I think they brought the weather with them...thanks!

Norah's first after school playdate to a friends house..without me! Natalies mom was nice enough to text me this photo of the girls.

And a week later we had this....

Natalies turn to come to our house after school! The girls were beyond excited!!! I also took them on a walk for a Crazy Cake treat :)

Can you even believe your eyes??? DORA!!!! Norah was so pumped to meet her....totally worth the hour wait. I had a coffee when I got home...

Okay so this is a bit out of order....this was well before the first photo in this montage.....
But here is miss Norah...double eye infection :( Poor girl

Backyard Lunch

Okay...well that is it for now. I will do another post this week. I missed Easter...but I still have some catching up to do. 
Hope all is well with everyone...we miss you all. 
xox Amanda

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Grandma 'Piggy'

As I sit here with eyes burning with dryness and pain from crying 90% of the day I cannot help but think of how much I miss my grandma. All day I tried to convince myself that it was for the better. She was 90 and had lived a full life. She was full of life. And at the end of the day all the memories of her (and some I had forgotten) came rushing back to me and I no longer had to convince myself that you were okay to leave us here...we are going to be okay and I think you knew that.

I tried to remember everything you were about....and none of that was the last 5 years. Let's be honest......at 85 you are not making your legacy....you've done that and you begin to co-exist amongst the world. You meet some amazing people who dedicate their lives to helping you keep your dignity. And although not all moments are ones to remember they are still moments that all family members appreciate.

I am thankful for growing up with you around, for teaching me things that you probably never thought twice about. For letting me make my own decisions but being there to guide the way. All those little things are what I remember.

It would be selfish of me to have wanted you to 'hang on' until my family travelled to see you in June. I kept thinking...I'm too late. But too late for what? To see you at 90? Because for me it's not seeing you one last time, it was about you seeing me be the woman I am, the mom I am and the beautiful great grandkids that are apart of you and your legacy. Being 'there' doesn't mean you are present....being present means you lived the moments, you felt the love and you gave your heart. I am happy to say whole hearted that I was present and I appreciate you being present in my life. You have seen me....you were proud of me and I know you are now here with me. I guess I should now be on my very best behaviour :)

I appreciate all the memories you have given me. It was always easy to be around you. Never have I ever felt it to be a chore to visit. I loved your apartment....my secret stash of Barbies and Cabbage Patch Dolls, what I thought was the best fold out foam bed/ fort that ever existed. I still remember that pull out couch that I used to sit upside down in and you'd pull it and roll me out......to this day I am still unsure of how you even rigged that up. You are the only person I know to have been on Weight Watchers your entire existence and do it for the socialization......what did you lose on that?...5 lbs in 30 years??? Love it :) The spoons......you will always be remembered for that. My grandma played the spoons in a band! Okay....maybe not a band but she held down the beat at the Thursday night line dancing in the seniors hall. AND you rocked it at my wedding...talk of the town :)

I'm also going to take this opportunity to apologize for the whole Grandma Piggy name. I swear it wasn't because of weight....but my other grandma was just a teeny thing. Now that I think about it I could be the reason behind Weight Watchers....sorry Grandma Piggy....but I really do think it's the cutest name :)

You were a strong woman that I am so proud to have a part of in me and I can only wish to someday be the grandma you were.

I love you with all my heart...always have and always will.

Rest and be free....my amazing Grandma Peggy :)


4 Generations
My Mom, my Grandma, Norah and myself

Saturday, February 16, 2013

A little bit of Figure Skating...

For our third time out it was pretty good. I must say I am 'feeling' it a bit more. A little less of those off balance moments....although a good skate sharpening could help. I did get rid of the 'Ken Deese' special but it was only with a light touch up 'coaches' sharpening. I think I need some real edges to go with my very real skating :)
We are really enjoying having that time on the ice...just us. The kids are crazy good.....to the point where parents, skaters and coaches cannot believe they sit (in one spot) and either watch us or entertain themselves. I am so grateful that we are at this point with them (hence why we are done having kids). Norah and Zach have both told us that they want to Figure Skate. We even gave Zach the option of hockey and he picked Figure Skating. I guess we'll see :) Travis might get his dream to choreograph a Star Wars solo for him  ;)

Anyways we did get a better video this week but I'll post the one from the week before too.

This one Zach recorded....sorry about it being cut off....



I hope those links work....

Friday, February 15, 2013


Yes I know....a bit behind on my posts but I am back :)
I'll just do point form so that I can get to everything:

1) Travis and I decided to do some skating again. I was pretty excited about it as I have been mentioning it for some time now. The kids enjoy watching us and are very well behaved considering its at 6:45 in the morning. We've been out twice now and plan to go once a week if not more. We're trying to ease into it without any major injuries.

2) hmmm....kids are good. They are both doing well in school and with their sports.

3) Zach rode his bike sans (without) training wheels!!!!!!! We were so proud of him. He totally rocked it!!!! He said because he is five now he can do it :)

4) work (Add Love) is ridiculously busy for February. It's exciting but a bit scary at the same time. There is only one of me so keeping up can get a bit stressful at times. I do know I have someone to fall back on if needed. Speaking of....Add Love is now able to do custom ties and bow ties! Any colour, fabric or size. I'm pretty pumped about it :)

Alright...photo time....

Monday, January 28, 2013

Thankful :)

Although life continues to be busy and eventful I try to take some moments and be thankful for what I have.

Norah continues to have an amazing personality that cracks us up daily. Her latest thing is she likes her hair to be curly....but no curling iron. So we've been doing the braid thing before bedtime and that seems to keep her happy :) She loves to dance and to help us make meals. She is quite the pancake flipper ;)

Zachary is just a blessing to be around. His heart is so kind. This morning as we were walking out the door he asked me if we still had his lunch box from last year. I said yes....why? He told me that one of his classmates had lost his....and that even though it wasn't Spider-Man that maybe he'd want his Thomas one. I instantly welled up with tears. How on earth is a 5 year old boy so thoughtful, giving and kind? We searched out the kitchen, found the lunch box, washed it and took it to school for Sam ( who happens to be a special needs student ). I just think of this entire 'good deed' and am so thankful to have him around. I will take what Zach has taught me today and pass it on :)

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Just another week

Well.....it was busy as usual. School, dance, swimming and skating took up most of the week...the other time was taken by me catching up with work and recovery cleaning from the week before. Lets hope we can relax a bit now....yeah right.

We skated Friday morning again with Zach's Kindergarten class. On the way to the arena Norah gagged on her granola bar and it all came up....everywhere. Luckily it didn't make it over the seat onto me...but it did cover the back of my seat pretty good....I know...too much information. We had 30mins before skating so I rushed back home and changed her. I was worried she got that flu but she kept telling me she choked....I was on edge all day. Turns out she did just choke....lucky for me I only had one clean up. So.... We skated and had so much fun. Zach's buddies are such good kids and a pleasure to be around :)

Yesterday Norah fell asleep in Dudley's bed....it was the cutest thing ever! I tried to take a photo but it was pretty dark. She even pulled the baby gate across; just like we do at night for Dudley ( he wanders and then cries at the bottom of the stairs.....worse than any of the kids! Lol)

Nothing else too exciting. The kids are currently watching Madagascar 3 while I write this....it's a household favourite.

Well here is a photo of right now....must have been a busy week....no time for photos! Lol

Monday, January 14, 2013


What a crazy week! I'm surprised I actually came out alive! Lol
The week started with Ballet for Norah, Tuesday both kids have skating lessons in Taber, Thursday was Travis' birthday, Friday was the Kindergarten classes skating (in which Travis took the morning off and we both helped out), Friday afternoon swimming lessons, Saturday Zach attended a birthday party and Sunday I had my Bridal show...phew! We made it!

I feel like its never ending chaos but its the good kind. These next few weeks we'll be concentrating on getting a few things done around the house, passport photos, and I have a ton of work to catch up on. Although all the sports activities will be repeated this week I feel as though the birthday and wedding show took a lot of prep time.

Anyway, here are some photos that captured the week :)